Projects Day

It was important to me that I wake up early today to do laundry.  I forgot.  Eventually, I remembered that there were hands on my time and I jumped out of bed to start my day.  Here are some happy highlights:

  • The studio was my first stop.  Someone had given me fabric for favors and I needed to finish getting the fabric sewn so that another person can use their Cricket to put a design on them.  I'm happy to say that I sewed together thirteen favors and they should be on the way to their next step.

  • Using the sewing machine this morning while the sun was shining in the window was very pleasant.  

  • At home, I helped Keziah clean the kitchen.  It is overdue for a deep clean.  That won't be finished today, but there has been a vast improvement. 

Currently listening to: Tales From Earthsea, by Ursula K. Le Guin.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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