Happy Birthday, Keziah!

Happy things from today: 

  • My oldest turned 34 today. Approximately two weeks and 34 years ago I was at an SCA event Celebrating the third birthday of the Barony of Stonemarche.  I was asked how I remember that.  When a person attends an event on or very close to a child's due date, it helps that time be remembered.
  • As a family we celebrated by going out for breakfast.  Keziah chose the Windmill which has, in our opinion, the best French toast around.  We talked a bunch about yesterday's event.  It was a filling morning! 
  • I dressed for the season today.

  • After a little rest, I headed to archery practice.  Stephanie brought the thrones back to her house after the event because she had room in her car.  I brought the van to archery to pick them up and practice.  My first round of Royal Rounds I shot better than I have in a long time.  The first two arrows that flew off my bow landed in the gold.  
These are the first six arrows I shot.
Two golds from 20 yards.  

These were all shot from 40 yards.  
Two golds again!

Such a huge difference in my second round.

  • This evening Keziah and Zed went out to celebrate Keziah’s birthday.  Gideon and I stayed home.  It was a restful evening.  That was really nice after a busy day yesterday.
Keziah at 34.


Currently listening to: The Silmarillion, by J. R. R. Tolkien. 

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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