Sunrise, Sunset

Happy things from whatever today is (Wednesday?): This morning a friend and I volunteered for the Watch. We got to drive around most of Pennsic looking for problems or people who needed help. Things like unattended fires that we can douse or people who are lost. That was the one thing this morning, there was someone who couldn't find their car. We are fairly certain they were looking in the wrong parking lot and told him where to go. The best part about doing watch is getting to see many of the areas that I might not walk so far to see otherwise. Predawn with the moon. After the Watch, we stumbled into a short court. We stayed for that and then headed to help set up East Kingdom Royal. I started to help set up the pavilion and ended up being handed a book. It was the directions to setting up the pavilion. I was dubbed the “book lady” and got to let everyone know the steps to setting it up. It was fun. I learned a little and too...