Easter Sunday

Happy Easter and Happy Transgender Appreciation Day. Zed, Keziah, and Gideon went to visit Zed's dad for an Easter dinner. I chose to stay at home and have a little down time. Here are some happy things from today: While at the SCA event yesterday I volunteered to help the person in charge of making sure all the end of year reports from the local treasurers are ready to send off to the national level. We met over Google Meets. Zed let me use his monitor with my laptop so I could have a larger surface to view the financial reports. It helped a lot and I am thankful I have such a kind son-in-law. It was nice to have the time to be able to help out a friend. Winston, the orange tabby, seemed to want to help out with the reports. I'm not sure if it was Winston or me, but one of us pushed the button on Zed's desk and it started to rise into a standing desk. I laughed and decided to rise with it. This made Winston very happy as he immediately took ove...