
Showing posts from June, 2024

Color TV Day

Here are some happy things from today: At work this morning I ended up with some heat related badness.  It was within my first hour of work.  They let me take a break.  When I went back to work I went slower.  After 3 AM I was able to work outside for a bit.  That helped a lot!  I'm happy that I made it through the rest of the shift and that I'm feeling better.   At home I decided to take it easy.  I stopped to notice the orange daylilies.  Soon there will be many more blooming. According to this website , today is Color TV Day.  Here is a little memory.  Every year The Wizard of Oz was broadcast on TV.  Every year I watched it.  If you have never seen the movie, and don't want spoilers, stop reading now.  At some point I noticed that it claimed to be recorded in color.  We had a black and white TV.  So every year I watched it in black and white.   Eventually, when I was a teenager and my older brothers were out of the house, my family got a color TV.  I was so excited whe

Happy Midsummer Day

Happy Monday!  I didn't sleep in, this is good.  Unfortunately, I lacked motivation.  When I finally did get going, I kept going.  I went to make a list, since that worked so well yesterday, and remembered that I already made one last night.  Until the last month or so I had lists I was using in an app.  For some reason I stopped looking at them. I'm not sure if going back to paper is the best choice, but it is what is working today.  Here are some other happy things: One of the first things I did was get something out of a box.  Some downsizing had to happen. After looking through it, I ended up pulling apart a notebook.  It was notes from my last year as a Paraeducator.  Now it is a pile to shred and an empty notebook with a lot less pages. My Monday errands got done.   Outside our studio there is a jughandle with lots of plants growing in it.  One pink flowering plant caught my eye.  I thought it looked like a pea plant, but kind of big.  Sure enough, Lens identified it as S


If you read this blog regularly, you may remember that I sometimes use a Tarot Card app to choose a card for the day.  Normally I look at it and forget about it.  Today the card was the Eight of Wands.  This is a card of momentum and purpose.  Because of the card I made a list and tried to stick to it.   Perhaps I should pretend to have this card every day.   😆 The only thing I didn't quite complete was the laundry.  I had to wait for the rest of the family's laundry to finish before I could start mine.  Mine is drying now so I can finish that in the morning.  Here are some other happy things from today: On Sundays a group of friends try to meet at a local cafe for breakfast.  The original group of people were writers.  Lately I've been using this time to do some research, mostly on medieval pilgrimages.  Today also included some SCA shenanigan planning.  It was a productive morning. From there I went to the studio to work on the banner and get my pile of skirts into the s


 Happy Saturday things: This morning I didn't get going as early as I wanted.  This meant that I didn't spend the time I wanted to on my downsizing task.  What I did do was to remove the skirts from the house and put them into my car.  I meant to unload them at the studio, but they are still in the car.  I'm calling this a half step forward. At the studio I met with someone to work on the banner we are making for Pennsic, the large SCA event in Pennsylvania.  It will hang with other sheet walls outside of our Kingdom encampment.  We worked on it until mid afternoon.  We walked to a restaurant in town for lunch.  It was nice and it was a lot of focused work. ⁵ Around four in the afternoon, I headed to DIY Craft & Thrift. I helped fold and measure fabric.  I also helped to make small bundles of fabric that were supposed to be themed.  I'm only okay at joining similar fabrics together.  Towards the end of the night I had groups that I named -Blue, or -Red.  Earlier I w

More Skirts

Happy things from today: This morning I sorted through a few things so I could move forward in my downsizing adventure.  I found more skirts, wool ones.  Two weeks ago I found six skirts.  Today I found four more.  None of them will fit me.  I'm in love with the green plaid one.  I thought they would be easy to get rid of, I was wrong.  I'm seriously considering finding ways to repurpose the wool, like making one skirt out of multiple skirts.  Dear reader, you may ask, what about this makes me happy?  I'm feeling excited about being creative with them.  Sure, there is some trepidation too.  But what if I create something fun or beautiful? The shirt at the top has the letter F embroidered on the sleeve.  It was my mother's and will not fit me.  I am ready to say goodbye to that.  That green and blue plaid is fabulous. Downtown Concord is closed for Market Days.  When I tried to go to Keziah’s store, the parking garage was already full.  I ended up parking the car at the


In bed, doom scrolling the internet, I suddenly realized that it was dark out.  That is the late afternoon I had.  Here are some happy things from today: Sometimes at work packages jam on the line and we have to shut it down for a few moments.  When that happens, packages stop being received.  Someone usually shouts out, “Line down!” so the people who didn't notice can stop working.  Because of where I was along the line I was asked to be louder, the people up from me couldn't hear over the music.  So I got loud.  It isn't something I do often.  Being loud, when one normally isn't, can have an element of fun.  😁 After work I took my tired self to visit a friend who had knee surgery and needs some help while they recover.  According to the weather app on my phone it was 95 degrees outside and felt like 106.  I took Andi, our friend's dog, for a walk.  This was my first time meeting Andi.  She is a very good dog and let me take her out and through a park area.  It di


Happy Juneteenth!  It is also Keziah and Zed's fourteenth wedding anniversary.  I hope they were able to do something to celebrate.  Here are some happy things from today: The other day on Facebook a memory came up where I put out to the universe things I wanted from a job.  My current job actually fits into most of what I wanted.  It was a nice reminder.  If I could move my job from nights to days, that would be almost perfect. Speaking of streaks, I almost lost my DuoLingo one the other day. I'm thankful for streak freezes. Just as my work day was coming to an end, I reached my step goal for today.  That makes two days in a row.  Sometimes I miss having a step goal streak.  Sometimes it is nice to just be. The milkweed is starting to bloom.   ☮ Currently listening to: Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity , by Peter Attia MD, Bill Gifford (Editor).  Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


Happy Tuesday things: It is warming up outside this week.  I'm happy that today, at work, I was able to stay inside, where there is some air conditioning.  It was still hot because we are active, but it would have been worse outside. After work I helped Gideon make eggnog.  He wanted to bring it to share with his Dungeons and Dragons friends.  I hope it came out alright.  It was my first time making it.   The privet bushes are starting to bloom.  They have tiny but fragrant flowers.  The plants are also much larger than most bushes at this point. Nanni! ☮ Currently listening to: Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity , by Peter Attia MD, Bill Gifford (Editor).  Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

It is Good to be Home

Things I am happy for this Monday: This morning I had my last therapy appointment for a while.  I feel like I have a handle on going through things at the moment.  Also, I'm going to be very busy this summer.  I can always make another appointment.  For right now, I'm done. Zed and I went to the storage unit and pulled out an air conditioner for my bedroom.  I was going to try and get through the summer without one.  The temperature is supposed to get into the upper 90's this week, so I thought it was time.  Those curtains were my mom's.  They are not what I want to stay in my room. They do block the light fairly well. I didn't end up spending as much time going through things as I wanted today.  Laundry, the AC, and other distractions kept me busy.  I did take some time though, and ended up with a small pile of things to shred or recycle.  ☮ Currently re-listening to: Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity , by Peter Attia MD, Bill Gifford (Editor).  I was a lit

Home From Canada

 Happy Father's Day! Every once in a while I feel the need to thank my ex-husband for introducing me to the SCA.  This weekend has been one of them.  Not just because of the interesting event site, but because I was able to experience it with three lovely ladies that are just some of the fabulous people I have met through this group. The drive home was happily uneventful.  I was asleep again during the White Mountains in NH, but I was awake during the drive back to the USA through Canada.  I got to see the St Lawrence River this time. At home we had a Father's Day dinner.  Zed's dad came to visit and it was good to see him and to be home. The last few days of Blogs have been updated to include the pictures!   Here are today's pictures: We are busy packing, but we claimed this porch over the weekend. It lent a great feel to the atmosphere.  Saying Goodbye to the event. Saint Lawrence River  And the bridge. ☮ Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Canada Day Three

Happy things from Canada: After a chill night in the tent, it was nice to sit in the morning and warm in the sun.  I did get myself motivated to shoot archery before the range was supposed to close at noon.   However, I got to the archery range and the Princess was there.  We ended up talking for about an hour.  This was a good and productive conversation.  Thankfully, another archery marshal kept the range open and I was able to get some practice in.  My arm is a little sore, but I had fun. After I had some lunch, I headed to where there was fighting happening.  I got there too late to find where a friend was to watch with them.  I did get to see some skirmishes though.  Watching people dressed in medieval armor fighting each other in a medieval town was more immersive than I am used to.  It was neat. Royal Court happened and I volunteered to retain for Their Highnesses.  This basically means to stand behind them and make sure they have what they need, like water or snacks.  It might

Canada Day Two

Happy Friday from Canada! There are four of us camping together.  We spent the morning mostly hanging around at our camp area.  It was relaxing.  Three of us spent part of the afternoon shooting archery.  I didn't do as well as I hoped, but after a little bit of practice my shooting improved.   This event site is large and there is a lot to see.  When I say there is something different around every corner, there is.  People put up buildings of different shapes, sizes, and styles.  There is a section that is fantasy themed and some that are medieval themed. We saw Nordic or Viking themed and Oriental-esque as well. There will be pictures when I get stateside.  We are at the Duche de Bicolline if you are interested in Googling it. There are a few people I know who live in Canada and I have seen a few of them.  I've seen other Canadians that I know I've seen at other events.  There is definitely a language barrier with some of the people.  Especially the children.  I feel bad